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Walk the talk! - John 14:23

God with us - Week 47: John 14:23

As a general rule, we don’t like it when someone says one thing and does another!

You only need to look at the front page of the newspapers this week to see this lived out in glorious technicolour. The groundbreaking plan to level up the country through the Northern Powerhouse came with hope and investment for the future. Here in the North, we dared to dream that this time it would be different. The hope grew as the promises were repeated and assurances were given. Then, within the space of one announcement, it became clear that the pledges were either tweaked or broken altogether. One MP accused the Government of “selling perpetual sunlight” while “delivering moonlight.” I thought these comments summed up how we feel when much is promised, and little is delivered.

This isn’t a political blog, but as I said before, we really don’t like it when someone says one thing and does another!

One of the main criticisms facing those who follow Jesus is the accusation of hypocrisy. Every day people see Christians saying they believe one thing and doing the opposite. I’m not talking about genuine mistakes, accounted for, acknowledged, and addressed. It’s more those moments where we declare publicly our belief that God loves everyone and then act as if there are exceptions for those we don’t want to love.

It’s the tweaking, or breaking, of clear God-given guidelines while refusing to acknowledge we’re on the wrong path.

It’s selling the sunshine of grace and forgiveness while delivering the moonlight of bitterness and rejection.

Our verse for this week reminds us that God expects our words and actions to match.

He expects us to walk the talk.

23 Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

John 14:23 (NIV)

Whenever I write a blog like this, those little (or not so little), condemning thoughts spring into my mind. I imagine you all saying, “Well, she did this and said this and…” I hold my hands up to the many mistakes I’ve made and continue to make. We’re all in the same boat with this issue.


I think it’s our intention that matters. We may make mistakes, but if it’s part of a life where we are trying to obey God and walk the talk, that’s very different from ignoring what we know is right. Authenticity is essential as we live out our love for God through our obedience to His will.

As always, we’re not alone.

23 Jesus replied, “Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we will come to you and make you our dwelling place.

John 14:23 (TPT)

God is with us as we live out His word in our everyday lives and show our love for Him through our obedience. God dwells within us, empowering us to follow His word and if we truly love Him, then our hearts desire should be to walk the talk in every aspect of our lives.

Kay Moorby


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