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The Source - Philippians 4:13

God with us - Week 20: Philippians 4:13

If you'd rather watch than read then there's a video clip at the end of the blog!

Gathered with Lydia and her friends by the waters at Philippi, Paul witnessed the start of a new church. After a period of uncertainty, the Holy Spirit brought him and Silas to Philippi, and they experienced the joy of seeing a new church come to life.

And then…

They met a slave girl possessed by demons, told the demons to "do one," got into trouble with the slave girl's owners for losing them money, were handed over to the authorities, were stripped and flogged, and ended up in prison. Locked up in prison, they prayed and sang hymns bringing on a violent earthquake that gave them an opportunity to escape, but they didn't escape as it wasn't fair on the guard, and then the guard became a Christian and took Paul and Silas home, and the whole household believed and…

As you carry on through the book of Acts and into Paul's letters, this is the rollercoaster life of Paul.

Never a dull moment!

Several years later, we find Paul in prison, either under house arrest or in a cell, most likely in Rome. His rollercoaster journey had continued, and he faced many challenging circumstances intertwined with witnessing God's transforming power in the lives of others. Many fellow believers had deserted him due to his imprisonment, and others had belittled his teaching, keen to take his spot. You can imagine his relief when Epaphroditus turned up with a prison care package from the Philippian church. In this context, Paul penned these words:

10 The Lord has made me very grateful that at last, you have thought about me once again. Actually, you were thinking about me all along, but you didn't have any chance to show it. 11 I am not complaining about having too little. I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have. 12 I know what it is to be poor or to have plenty, and I have lived under all kinds of conditions. I know what it means to be full or to be hungry, to have too much or too little. 13 Christ gives me the strength to face anything.

Philippians 4:10-13

In these short verses, we can learn so much about how to navigate the challenges of life.

Paul is overjoyed when the Philippians get in touch, providing care and encouragement, but he also recognises many of them were dealing with similar difficulties. He doesn't berate them for the time it's taken to get in touch, and there are no passive-aggressive questions or snide remarks. He sees the best in them and thanks them for checking in even though they're having a tough time as well. Their encouragement is valued but not essential for Paul to remain strong in Christ.

Paul looks back over everything that has happened and acknowledges he's faced the best and worst of times. He's been well cared for and abandoned in prison. He's been protected by loving church members and attacked by angry crowds. Paul's situation impacted his life but not his determination to remain strong in Christ.

Here's the clincher.

No matter what Paul faced, whether he had the support of others or was isolated, whether he slept in the luxury of Lydia's house or on the dank floor of a prison cell, God was with him. Philippians 4:13 isn't a pep talk to will ourselves through challenging times; it's a reminder that Christ is with us in all situations. He is the source of strength we draw upon.

I'll leave you with Hawthorn and Martin's translation of Philippians 4:13 taken from the Word Biblical Commentary.

"I have the power to face all such situations in union with the One who continually infuses me with strength."

Word Biblical Commentary

May the words of Philippians 4:13 remind you of the true source of your strength as you face the week ahead.

Kay Moorby


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