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Reflect - John 1:4

God with us - Week 51: John 1:4

The four gospels take very different approaches to the birth of Jesus. Mark doesn't give it air time; Luke covers the shepherds, and Matthew keeps us up to speed with the wise men.

John takes a different approach.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:1-4 (NIV)

Jesus, the Word, was there in the beginning.

At the creation of the earth, He was there.

Echoing the message of last week's blog, we are reminded of the enduring presence of Jesus from the beginning to the end. As Jesus commenced His life here on earth, it wasn't the beginning of His story; it was a continuation of God's story starting way back with creation. He came into our world to bring life in all its fullness. John says that the life was the light of mankind. Jesus fills our life with His light.

Do you feel like you're living a life full of the light of Jesus?

I'm not sure I always am.

When darkness creeps in, I am often guilty of searching for false light to brighten my day.

I find other things that I think will bring light to my life…



chocolate…just me?

As I write these words, the news is full of talk of restrictions and lockdowns. Again, we find ourselves in a time of darkness, where division deepens the shadows and causes people to question is light at the end of the tunnel.

As Christians, let's not get pulled into the shadows.

We have hope.

There is light in Jesus, and that light shines in us, overcoming the darkness we see around us.

The gospel of John is clear, Jesus is the light for all mankind, and that light shines in us.

In the coming weeks, whatever they may bring, let's stay focused on the light of the world and reflect that light to everyone one we meet.

Through the light of His Son, Jesus Christ, God is with us.

Kay Moorby

Light of the world

Treasure of heaven

Brilliant like the stars

In the wintery sky

Joy of the father

Reach through the darkness

Shine across the earth

Send the shadows to flight

Light of the world

From the beginning

The tragedies of time

Were no match for your love

From great heights of glory

You saw my story

God you entered in

And became one of us

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

Sing hallelujah

For the things he has done

Come and adore him

Bow down before him

Sing hallelujah

To the light of the world

Performed by - We the kingdom


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