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Humility - 1 Peter 5:6-7

God with us - Week 17: 1 Peter 5:6-7

Humility - the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.

For many years I had this whole humility thing wrong!

Here’s how I defined humility - the quality of having a modest or low view of oneself.

Acknowledging or celebrating any achievement, even if I recognised God had equipped me, was seen as “showing off.” Taking compliments meant I was “getting above my station,” and constant comparisons to others helped me remember that I wasn’t all that!

Now, those who know me might be thinking, “you’re still rubbish at taking compliments Kay,” you’re completely correct, but the difference is I no longer see that as a spiritual achievement. Humility isn’t pulling yourself down constantly and discrediting the person God created you to be. It’s never been that, and yet that’s how I lived for years. This skewed theology can take a long time to root out, and I still struggle to stop and reflect positively on how God has used me without seeing it as pride. The difference is I don’t view self-deprecation as a spiritual badge of honour anymore, quite the opposite. I spent hours obsessing about what people thought and in most conversations I was thinking about how I would respond rather than listening to the person standing in front of me. Humility isn’t any of those things. My obsession with keeping myself small came from the same place of pride as those who constantly pushed themselves forward. The motivation may have been different, but I was still the most important person in each interaction as it was always about me and if I came across okay.

I know many don’t get this! I’ve had conversations with them. In all honesty, I’ve envied them! It’s alien to them to be walking around expending this amount of energy on such pointless inner dialogue. Because of the number of quiet conversations and long messaging sessions I’ve been part of, I also know that many do understand. Their incorrect definition of humility has caused them significant damage rather than helped them to focus on God’s strength and sovereignty.

For the past fifteen years, I have been on a journey to see this false humility for what it is, pride! I’m not there yet in any way, shape, or form, but I recognise it now and move swiftly to name it and deal with it. This is so important because if our view of humility is skewed, we come to verses like 1 Peter 5:6-7 from entirely the wrong perspective.

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honour. 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

1 Peter 5:6-7

How I used to read these verses…

God hasn’t answered your prayers because you overthink things. If you pray harder, read your Bible more and do more stuff, then at the right time, you’ll stop feeling like this. Give all your worries and cares to God, as you obviously can’t handle them as well as other people do, so He’ll need to step in.

How I read them now…

It’s okay. It’s not about you! Remember the mighty God you serve and stop thinking you have to find a solution for any of this, or confirm when it will end or how you will find a way through. Just keep giving all your cares and worries to God. Drop the pride; you’re not in control, and you can’t fix this alone, nor does God expect you to. He cares for you, and He cares for the people around you. Focus on that rather than yourself.

I can’t possibly cover all that I want to on this topic in a “three-minute read,” but skewed humility weakens our faith. Before we focus on the words of 1 Peter 5:6-7 this week, take a moment to stop and reflect on these questions:

  • What does humility mean to you?

  • How does/has your understanding of humility impact the way you deal with challenging circumstances?

  • What needs to change to enable you to bow low in God’s presence, leave the timing in His hands and hand over your worries and concerns to Him?

If we come into God’s presence with a false sense of humility then we will not notice “God with us” nor will we fully experience his tender care and deep love for us.

“If you bow low in God’s awesome presence, he will eventually exalt you as you leave the timing in his hands. Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:6-7 TPT

Kay Moorby


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