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Great Big God - John 16:33

God with us - Week 27: John 16:33

I’m not really one for kids action songs but there’s one song that always makes me smile.

Our God is a great, big, God,

Our God is a great, big, God,

Our God is a great, big, God,

And He holds us in His hands.

Nigel Hemming

I just love it! For me, it’s right up there with “If I were a butterfly” and “This Little Light of Mine.” Whenever I sing it, it cheers me up and I’m reminded of our great, powerful God. It may sound cheesy but it gives me a lift and brings out my childlike faith rather than my teenage angst faith that overcomplicates everything!

Despite my love for this song, my life doesn’t always reflect it’s sentiment. I find myself living as if my God is a small, weak, God who barely notices me, never mind cradles me in His hand. In my need to keep a perspective on things, I lose site of the miracle working, universe creating, all powerful God that we worship. The worries of life and unanswered questions overwhelm and confusion about the state of the world sets in.

I’ve had many conversations with people over the last few months who are concerned about what our post pandemic world will look like. There’s lots of confusion about what the future will hold, what church will be like and concern about the growing divisions within our society. I share those concerns. The news paints a pretty bleak picture of the direction we’re heading and as Christians we’re increasingly known more for what we’re against rather than what we’re for.

At times it all feels a little hopeless.


Our Scripture this week takes us to John 16, where the disciples sat confused by the words of Jesus and uncertain about what the future would hold. Jesus knew His arrest was imminent and would be closely followed by His brutal death. He talked of a divine encourager who would join the disciples when He left. He talked about times of intense sorrow that would lead to joy and how they could ask God for anything in the name of Jesus.

They didn’t understand what He was saying.

Jesus reassured them that, “the Father tenderly loves you, because you love me and believe that I’ve come from God.” (John 16:27)

Finally, the disciples thought they’d got it, but Jesus troubled them further pointing out how they would scatter and leave him all alone. Imagine sitting with Jesus trying to understand His words with all their contradictions. The disciples were confused and troubled, much like we are now, as they had no idea what was going to happen.

Jesus said to them:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

I don’t know about you, but I need a reminder that we live in a world where Jesus has already overcome.

We’re not in the same position as the disciples.

We know know the end of the story.

We have the divine encourager with us.

We have good news to share of a great God who brings peace and joy to troubled hearts.

Through our great, big God we can live within this troubled world, take heart, and experience His peace.

Kay Moorby


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