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God with us - Isaiah 7:14

God with us - Week 52: Isaiah 7:14

Well, here we are!

Over a year ago, I committed to focusing on one Scripture verse each week, exploring the theme ‘God with us.’ Little did I know that a few weeks later, the pandemic would kick up a gear, and we would enter yet another lockdown. I knew from the start that, even if no one ever read the blog, I needed to see it through to the end. I felt that God wanted me to hear the message loud and clear, that He is with me in every challenge I face.

The good news is that so many of you have joined me on this journey. Your messages of encouragement have spurred me on and helped me complete all fifty-two blogs, writing over 30,000 words.

Thank you for hanging in there with me, and I hope you’ve been blessed by what you’ve read.


We started the year with a promise from Isaiah 41:10.

I am with you.

I am your God.

I will strengthen you.

I will hold you up.

Isaiah 41:10

Take a moment.

Reflect on each month of this year, all that has happened, and the challenges and joys you have experienced.

How has God strengthened you?

When has He held you up?

When you look back, where do you see His presence?

I’m in the process of re-reading all the blogs from this year, and God’s faithfulness is tangible in every post. Like many of you, I’m feeling a little weary as 2021 comes to an end, but I am thankful. This project has provided a focus to keep me going and centre me in God’s presence.

As the project draws to a close, we are brought full circle back to the book of Isaiah.

14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14

We enter another year where circumstances are uncertain, but isn’t that always the case?

I used to start each year thinking, "this year things will be different," but there are always ups and downs.

Despite our need to be in control, we can never fully know what 2022 will bring.

Here's what we know for certain.

God is with us.

He is our God.

He will strengthen us.

He will hold us up.

To all of you who have followed the ‘God with us’ project from start to finish, thank you for joining me on the journey, and I pray you will have a blessed 2022.

Kay Moorby


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