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Go get 'em! - Deuteronomy 31:8

God with us - Week 18: Deuteronomy 31:8

My big sister is amazing. I honestly think she believes in me more than I do. She’s not entirely on board with the whole Christianity thing, but every week, without fail, she reads the soulwithaview blog. She’s always there with loving messages, supportive zoom calls, and words of encouragement. If I ever feel like giving up, she’s there, willing me to keep going.

As you read about my wonderful big sister, which encourager pops into your mind?

Who is always there telling you to keep going?

Who believes in you?

I can think of quite a few people who, throughout my life, have shared an encouraging word, Bible verse, or spoken a loving truth I needed to hear. At critical moments in my Spiritual journey, they have taken the time to speak into my life words of hope and encouragement. Others have taken the opposite approach, amplifying the negative thoughts already circling my mind. Then there’s another group who I can’t quite identify. They’re the ones who may have thought I needed encouraging words but didn’t share them out of embarrassment or not knowing what to say. The truth is we all benefit from words of encouragement no matter who we are or what role we play in our church or society. Headteachers, office staff, midday supervisors, students, cashiers, church leaders, dare I say, politicians, all need to hear a little bit of encouragement now and then.

Our verse for this week is often used in the context of encouragement to spur us on in our faith and keep going.

8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

In verse 7, Moses encouraged Joshua to be courageous, claiming the land promised by God, and then he provided Joshua with the reassurance of God’s presence in verse 8. Moses encouraged Joshua that God was with him, but it’s how he did it that fascinates me. Joshua was a confident leader with a proven track record. Moses was coming to the end of his life, and it was time for him to hand over to a new leader. The knowledge that Moses would never see the Promised Land could have filled him with bitterness towards Joshua, who would take over the reins at the last stage of the journey. Instead, “Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel,”

God is with you!

Be brave!

God will never fail you!

God will never abandon you!

Go get ‘em!

In front of all the people, Moses showered Joshua with encouragement, declaring that God was going to do amazing things through his leadership.

Now that’s an example of encouragement.

Who needs your ‘Go Get ‘Em’ word of encouragement today?

Whoever pops into your mind, waste no time getting in touch with them. Your words will bring a blessing.

And just in case you need to hear it yourself...

God is with you!

Be brave!

God will never fail you!

God will never abandon you!

Go get ‘em!


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