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Fear - Psalm 27:1

God with us - Week 16: Psalm 27:1

As we steer our way into the summer months, I will, once again, have to face my nemesis. Since I was little, I have been afraid of wasps. Now, due to something I witnessed as a child, I have legitimate reasons to fear the little blighters. If you’re going to tell me to stand still and that they’ll fly away, then I’m not interested. I also don’t believe you because they don’t fly away! They can smell fear, and unlike bees, they are reckless with their stinging capabilities.

For clarity, I’m not a fan!

Moving on...

After a bit of googling, I discovered that there are named conditions for people who are afraid of the colour yellow, cheese, rain, and the belly button (Omphalophobia).

Our life experiences often explain the kind of fears that fill our mind. I don’t want to know what life experience leads someone to suffer from Omphalophobia, but I recognise that we all go through different things, and we all feel fear.

What are you afraid of?


“The Lord is my light and my salvation—

so why should I be afraid?

The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,

so why should I tremble?”

Psalm 27:1 (NLT)

As I read these words, I contemplated what the spiritual equivalent of my wasp fear would be?

When it comes to my life of faith, what am I afraid of?

Lots of things came to mind, but when I looked at the experiences outlined by David in Psalm 27, my fears seemed a little insignificant. Enemies were preparing to kill David; war was on the horizon, and threats were regularly made against him. He experienced a level of fear that I can only imagine.

Every month I receive the Open Doors newsletter, an organisation that supports persecuted Christians around the world. This month, I read Furaia’s story. Living in Mozambique, Furaia witnessed the murders of her husband and brother. She watched as her sisters and the women of her community were taken away as she hid in the long grass. Furaia now cares for the fourteen children left behind after this devastating experience. Open Doors helped the family to settle into a new village and start to rebuild their lives. Three hundred and twenty-eight primarily Christian families have lived through a similar experience to Furaia.

“You, Lord, are the light

that keeps me safe.

I am not afraid of anyone.

You protect me,

and I have no fears.”

Psalm 27:1 (CEV)

When I pray about my fears, those prayers are legitimate and based on my circumstances. God, in His love for me, always wants to hear the cries of my heart just as much as He hears Furaia. However, the experience of Furaia brings my fears into perspective. Her experience reminds me of the privilege I have in bringing her story to you in the first place. As I openly share blogs about my faith, I do so with no fear that soldiers will turn up at my door. This knowledge leads me to pray the words of Psalm 27 not over my own life but over the lives of thousands of Christians across the world who live in fear.

This week, through the soulwithaview social media pages, we will be using Psalm 27 to pray for those who live in fear because of their faith. While reading all the Open Doors stories in preparation for today's blog, there were times I struggled with that age old question.

Why did God allow this to happen to Furaia in the first place?

I don't have an answer for that but in my confusion I still choose to pray. I hope you will join me this week as we pray protection for those who live in fear because of their Christian faith.

Kay Moorby

To discover more about Furaia's story clink the link below.


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