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Extravagant Love - 1 John 3:1

God with us - Week 29: 1 John 3:1

As a child, I remember hearing "ooh, I right love you" accompanied by a squeeze from my Mum. I remember "I'm proud of you" and my Dad's calm guidance on a disappointing results day.

As a parent, I remember reading the words "he's a credit to you" on a school report and beaming with pride upon hearing the way my daughter befriends children who have no one to play with.

So much love.

And yet, beautiful as it is, my parent's love for me, and my love for my children, is imperfect.

Just as I was frustrated when my parents said no, my children share the same frustration when they hear that word from me.

Just as my parents lost their temper with me sometimes, I let anger get the better of me when my children slip up (or sometimes even when they don't).

Although often filled with love, parent and child relationships are complicated. Yet, in today's Scripture, we are described as God's beloved children.

Is God's love for us as His children the same kind of parent/child love we feel?

Due to painful experiences with parents, the idea of God as our Heavenly Father can be challenging for many. Our human relationships may give us a glimpse of the kind of love God has for His children, but it's only a glimpse.

God's love for His beloved children is on a different scale than anything we could imagine.


Think how much…

Look with wonder…

At the love.

God's extravagant love.

Just look at it…

Whatever you're doing, wherever you're reading this, just…

Consider the kind of extravagant love the Father has lavished on us—He calls us children of God! It's true; we are His beloved children. And in the same way the world didn't recognise Him, the world does not recognise us either.

1 John 3:1 (VOICE)

God is love, and that love is lavished on us, His children.

I know that my love for my children pales into insignificance compared to the love God has for me, His beloved child.

I've read this verse many times this week and understand the common interpretation of the latter part of this Scripture.

And in the same way the world didn't recognise Him, the world does not recognise us either.

1 John 3:1b (VOICE)

I mentioned earlier that I'd heard the words "he's a credit to you" to describe my son.

It got me thinking.

Would my Heavenly Father hear the words "she's a credit to you" about me?

I wonder whether there are other reasons why the world doesn't recognise God's beloved children that are more to do with how we represent His love to others rather than because of the faith we profess.

Each week we've explored the idea of "God with us," and today is no exception. We're reminded of the lavish love that God pours out on His children.

And yet, the only thought that's played through my mind this week is, "can others see that God is with me?"

Is it clear that I am a child of God, simply by the way I love others?

To help you reflect on these thoughts, here are the lyrics for our song for this week.

Is the face that I see in the mirror

The one I want others to see?

Do I show in the way that I walk in my life

The love that You've given to me?

My heart's desire is to be like You

In all that I do all that I am

Do they see Jesus in me?

Do they recognise Your face?

Do I communicate Your love

And Your grace?

Do I reflect who You are

In the way I choose to be?

Do they see Jesus,

Jesus in me?

Amy Roth / Pete Carlson

As we go through this week, let's celebrate the lavish love we experience as God's children, but let's make sure others share that love as well.

Kay Moorby


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