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Day Five - Mark 5

At the end of Mark 4, we read one of the key ‘boat moments’ of Mark’s Gospel when Jesus slept soundly as the waves crashed around the terrified disciples. I’ve always imagined Jesus sternly saying to the disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40) The theologian Paula Gooder suggests that a more accurate translation than ‘afraid’ is ‘timid’. Even after spending time with him, listening to him, and witnessing his miracles, the disciples still couldn’t grasp who Jesus was. When I think back over the storms that I have faced, God has always sustained me. Despite this, the fear still rises as the next set of waves starts to build. The experience of the disciples in the boat with Jesus reminds us that we do not need to be timid. He will calm the storm.

As we move into chapter 5 we meet three interesting characters.

The demon-possessed man - Mark 5:1-20

Despised by his neighbours the man roamed the tombs and hillsides surrounding his village, crying out to anyone that could hear. No one could calm him as he was constantly tormented by evil spirits.

Jairus - Mark 5:21-24; 35-42

Jairus was the ruler of the synagogue in Capernaum and held a position of authority in the area. Out of desperation, and love for his sick daughter, he approached Jesus and fell at his feet asking for help. Initially, Jesus went with him, but despite the position and standing of Jairus, a sick woman grabbed Jesus’ attention.

The sick woman - Mark 5:25-34

Shunned by society and declared unclean, the woman had suffered from a bleeding condition for twelve years. Venturing out into an unwelcome crowd she grasped the cloak of Jesus, desperate for his healing.

The stories of these three characters unfold throughout chapter 5. Spend some time reflecting on their encounters with Jesus and how the experience changed them forever.

Something to think about…

As you explore these three encounters with Jesus, consider the following questions:

How did Jesus respond to each of them and their situation?

How did each character respond to their encounter with Jesus?

What was the reaction of the crowds witnessing each encounter?

Place yourself in each scene. What do you discover about Jesus?

Kay Moorby


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