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Day 6: Quiet

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

It's CHRISTMAS…..the song shouts out in the shopping centres and almost as quickly you hear "It’s the most wonderful time of the year"….

Is it?

Christmas seemingly gets longer, crazier and busier every year.

As I pondered upon today's image, alongside the time of year, the words came to mind of another song, not a carol but words from the Salvation Army songbook. This in and of itself surprised me. It must have been a God thing!

"Mid all the traffic of the ways, turmoils without within,

Make in my heart a quiet place and come and dwell therein."

John Oxenham

As someone who is always busy, in the midst of people, communities, activities and chaos there is one thing I really treasure. It's one thing I wrestle with but am continuing to learn the importance of.

It’s the place of quiet contemplation!

The image for me speaks of quietness. Stillness.


It may feel a lonely place, but it’s the place where God and my spirit commune together.

It’s a place I have to set out from and head towards.

I have to set out continuously to find the place of quiet contemplation in the midst of the busyness where I am able to declare and experience the reality of the Incarnate, Emmanuel.

And Lo I am with you always even to the end of the jetty!

Andrew Vertigan


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