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Day 2 - God (works) with us

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

God can do anything.

He has all the knowledge and resources necessary to bring into being whatever springs from His imagination. In the New Testament, the word 'power' has the meaning ‘the ability to do’ at its core, and God has a limitless supply of it!

Perhaps I’m only speaking for myself but, if I had a limitless ability to do something, I’d never ask for help. If I had unlimited strength, I’d never ask for help to carry the shopping. If I had infinite wisdom, I’d never ask for advice.

Why would I?

But God, who lacks nothing, loves teamwork. He makes it His business to partner with human beings, even though He could do it all by Himself. Take the Bible, for example. God ‘breathed,’ and then human beings wrote down what they heard within the divine whisper. Today, when we read those human words, God partners with us again to awaken the celestial breath behind them. God chooses to work with us when He could go it alone. And then there’s the ultimate partnership between the Divine and human: Jesus. God’s Word embodied rather than whispered. Jesus introduced us to what life in God’s Kingdom looks like and then… guess what? He invited us to partner with Him in building it!

God is not merely among us. He is truly with us: Immanuel.

Darren Shaw


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