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Coming, ready or not! - 1 Chronicles 16:11

God with us - Week 22: 1 Chronicles 16:11

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Coming, ready or not!

When Peter was little, we used to play hide and seek. The only problem was that little Pete used to hide in the same place every time. When I opened my eyes, I'd immediately see a Pete-shaped lump sticking out of the curtain or would hear a giggle from behind the settee, giving away his location. I'd look around the house pretending I had no idea where he was and shout, "oh no, I can't find Peter anywhere." I'd pull back the curtain and declare, "there you are!"

Then it would be my turn.

Peter would start to count, and I'd rush to find a hiding place. At first, I'd tuck myself behind the curtain or sneak behind the settee, making sure I chose the same hiding place as Peter.

Coming, ready or not!

Pete knew where to look, and in no time, I was found! As he got older, I'd find more challenging places to hide, and the search wasn't quite as straightforward. As he searched for me in the wardrobe, under the bed, or in the shower cubicle, he discovered new hiding places to use on his turn. The lump behind the curtain was no more and his hiding places became more sophisticated.


"Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him."

1 Chronicles 16:11


According to the dictionary, when we search for something, we need to do so "thoroughly and carefully." When we seek, we have a desire to find what we're looking for. In this week's verse, we are asked to search and seek. The last twenty-one week's worth of 'God with us' blogs have reminded us that God is always there, so why do we need to search and seek for someone who is omnipresent?

As our faith matures, God provides new ways for us to discover Him. As a teenager, there were places I could easily find God. It didn't take much searching as I knew exactly where to look. I'd feel His presence at summer camps surrounded by my friends or at big youth events singing worship songs I liked. As I got older, the search became more challenging as God seemed harder to find. I'd continue to seek Him, but I'd get weary and occasionally consider giving up the search. These were the moments I believe God challenged me to move into a deeper relationship with Him. He wanted me to keep seeking, and keep searching in unfamiliar places. God wanted to move me on from living from one summer camp to the next to a place where I chose to keep searching for Him even in my darkest days. When we want to give up, when we feel like God is hiding, we need to search for Him and His strength.

Our verse this week is hidden within a song of thanksgiving found in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36. If we sneak one verse back from 11, we read these words:

"Glory in his holy name;

let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice."

1 Chronicles 16:10

What ways can you search for God this week?

Remember that joy is found in the seeking!

Coming, ready or not!

Kay Moorby


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